Tuesday, August 7, 2007

you have to set yourself on fire

Listening to: Your Ex-Lover Is Dead by Stars

I made my second trip to Barnes & Noble in two days today, where I got Eclipse, by Stephenie Meyer. I had tried to get it yesterday, playing the same trick that had gotten me the Clique books a couple days early the past two times. The bookstores have to get the shipments of the book in early, and they have it in the back. If you ask in a convincing way, they'll give you a copy before the official release date.

But anyways, that didn't happen this time. In cases where the book might get a release party that the author does not attend (Harry Potter is another example), they won't give a copy to you early. Damn them. I went back again today, with my other brother, V. I was so engrossed in reading Eclipse in Barnes & Nobles' comfy armchairs in the back that I almost missed my dentist appointment.

I've also decided I do not like my dentist. I know most people don't like their dentists, but I honestly don't like her. She's so fake and smile-y. I have nothing against perky people, me being one in general, but GOD she is annoying. And she keeps on trying to force the Waterpik on me. My dentist gave my mom a brochure about it and everything, babbling on and on about how you can purchase them at Bed Bath and Beyond for 30 bucks. Mom nodded along, promising to go get one as soon as possible. Then we got in the car and never spoke of it again.

I'm not going to give anything away about Eclipse, but I will say this: Edward. Is. So. The. Better. Choice. But the epilogue sucked.

1 comment:

Grania said...

How could you say Edward is the better choice? I mean, I used to like him better, but he's such a cocky, manipulative, controlling twit. Jacob is sooo better!