Saturday, August 11, 2007

it's all up in the air and we stand still to see what comes down

Listening to: She Is by the Fray

Another day of wandering in B Wood. I went to my friend J's house today. I can probably count the times I've seen her this summer on one hand - first she was at camp, then in South Africa, and now she's leaving for Vail. I filled her in on my adventure yesterday. R and S came over and we sat at the edge of her pool, just dipping our feet and avoiding getting splashed by her yellow Lab.

When J finally kicked us out to go catch her plane ride, R and I got a ride to Mitchell's, the ice cream place near my house. We were stopped by a woman who wanted to know if there were other ice cream places near there. I rambled off a list, listing two shopping centers where I knew you could get ice cream. We sat down with our ice cream (mint chocolate chunk for R, vanilla with hot fudge for me), and I saw the same woman in line. I later complained about it to R:

"That was kind of rude. She asked us for other ice cream places and then she just stayed at Mitchell's."

R: "No, I was kind of eavesdropping. She was meeting someone, I heard her say 'I thought we had the wrong place!'"

Oh. That makes more sense. It got me thinking though, about how you can just talk to someone or hear just one thing someone says and completely form an opinion about them. Me and my other friend S went on vacation together, and we did A LOT of eavesdropping, learning a lot. Like the blonde boy who always sat in front of us at the beach? His name was Michael and his mom's friend's name was Kathy. It's kind of creepy to be someone who listens in on conversations like that, but I have such an active imagination, I'm always forming reasons behind one sentence. Curse of being a writer, possibly?

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